Thursday, 31 July 2008

Virgin airs new ad break styles

Virgin Radio is launching a new ad break format consisting of just five advertisers instead of the usual seven.

Each of the advertisers will have category exclusivity in the break – for example, if an airline was to take one of the five slots, it would be the only airline brand featured in the ad break.

There will be five of these ad breaks throughout the day.

The special format break will be topped and tailed by a piece of production highlighting the deals available for Virgin Radio listeners in the upcoming ad break.

The initiative is the first key move by Chris Goldson, who was promoted to commercial content director at Virgin Radio last week.

The £53m sale of Virgin Radio from SMG to TIML Golden Square completed on 30 June. The company is working on the launch of an entirely new radio brand to replace the Virgin name, backed by £15m.

Media Week 29-Jul-08

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